A few words about
What We Do
What we do
Focused on Helping Afghanistan's vulnerable and most at-risk, we tackle poverty's core while empowering local communities. HM Foundation operates with transparency, integrity, and a commitment to accountability. We strive to maximize the effectiveness of our initiatives by efficiently utilizing resources and ensuring that every contribution directly benefits those in need from humanitarian aid during crises to sustainable development projects, we endeavor to make a real difference in the lives of people, inspiring hope, resilience, and a brighter future for all. We at HM Foundation with the support of HM Media Group also empower US immigrants with educational videos on cultural integration, resources, and legal procedures, for a smoother transition and improved lives.
Refugee/Immigrants Education
Producing educational videos and TV shows aiding immigrants/refugees like the Afghan community and other communities in the US. Our aim: offer vital guidance on cultural integration, resources, and legal matters, empowering smoother transitions and enhancing quality of life
Clean Drinking Water
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How do we identify eligible people?
Our HM Foundation team on the ground meticulously survey and assess needy families to ensure their eligibility for support. Each recipient undergoes thorough verification to confirm their genuine need. Our database comprises individuals vetted and endorsed by local landlords or authorities residing in their respective areas, ensuring the authenticity of their needs.